Sovereign Wealth Funds and their Impact - Part 4

Part 4 – India as a prominent destination for SWFs “It is not what we have that will make us a great nation; it is the way in which we use it.” - Theodore Roosevelt India is at a stage in its development cycle where it is hungry for investments. Steady growth over the last 30 years has propelled India to a large economy of USD 2.7 trillion. It is now at par with The UK and France and only Germany, Japan, China and The USA are larger. India is still a low-income country and has considerable headroom for growth. Its demographics are favorable and are expected to be favorable for another 25-30 years as the working-age population is forming a bulge and the elderly are still at about 6.5% of the population. Many SWFs have already been active in India, either directly or via PE funds. SWFs and PPFs have mostly focused on developed markets and among the Emerging markets, China has been the favored destination for the last 2 decades. However, India has become a major recip...